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spiraled sea turtle

The meaning of the double spirals:

  • To represent a balance between 2 opposites.
  • Both can exist at the same time and during different phases of life.
  • Examples of this can include life & death, the opposing seasons, hot & cold, etc.

The turtle represents a few characteristics.

  • Remember to slow down in life. Take in the colors, flavors, sounds, touches, smells, and anything life offers. We can still learn from the hardest moments that can happen in life.
  • My nickname, by some, is “Turtle.” This is due to how fast I move because of my chronic illnesses and disabilities. I have never been a runner; not even as a kid.
  • Plus, I use mobility aids to help me walk. I have a name for this aid (rollator). It is called “Ole Girl.” You can see a photo of Ole Girl here. I also use forearm crutches. | Photos: 1 2 3 4
  • Remember the old Aesop fable of “The Tortoise and the Hare?” If not, here is a link to it.
  • To make progress, we have to process first. To process and not too quickly.
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